This product comes from Alaris Antennas catalogues

High-Power HF OmniDirectional Antenna


This is a wideband wire cone monopole antenna that operates over the 1 to 30 MHz band with a VSWR of less than 2.6:1 over the band, with the typical value close to 1.7:1. The antenna gives a uperior radiation pattern for HF signal interception and has been optimized for HF communication. brThe antenna is equipped with a sophisticated frequency selective matching unit which provides excellent VSWR characteristics for best possible efficiency across the band and requires no band switching or other matching control. The design has taken into account the worst-case soil-types and so will work for diverse deployments in deserts, urban areas and wetlands. The antenna has been designed to be mounted on a permanent plinth and consists of aluminium mast sections, a cable spreader system with ropes and ground pegs, a mast isolator, antenna matching unit, ground radials and mast guy ropes

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Frequency range 1 - 30 MHz
Gain NA
Beamwidth NA
VSWR < 2.8:1
Nominal input impedance 50 O
Connector 7/16 female
Feed power handling 2 kW CW
Efficiency 0 dBi down to 7 MHz
Polarisation Linear (vertical / horizontal)
Groundplane requirements Groundplane dependent
Deployed dimensions (Ø x l) 5 m x 14 m (excl. groundplane)
Colour Upon request
Mass 700 kg (packaged)
Wind survival 120 km/hr (with all guy ropes deployed)
Temperature (operational) - 30 °C to + 51 °C

    Product Applications

    Electronic Countermeasures
  • Communications Jamming
  • Communications

    Design Features

  • High-power handlingbrWidebandbrOmni-directionalbrRuggedbrQuick deployment time