This product comes from Alaris Antennas catalogues

Lightning Protection Kit


The MISC-A0279 is a lightning protection kit specifically designed for the OMNI-A0098. The MISC-A0279 was designed to introduce minimum ripple, while providing sufficient lightning protection.

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Dimensions (h x l x w) 1510 mm x 520 mm x 350 mm
Material Aluminium
Total mass < 2.5 kg
Mounting method Fits between antenna and mast
Operating temperature -40 °C to +65 °C
Storage temperature -55 °C to +85 °C
Wind velocity (no ice) 180 km/h
Salt fog Yes. 47 °C with 5% NaCl solution

    Product Applications

    Spectrum Management
  • Spectrum Monitoring
  • Source geolocation
  • Signals Intelligence